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Phear Wolf
Player ID: 198577
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Regeneration : 37
Energetic immunity : 82
Trade sense : 44
Briskness : 47
Initiative : 28
Defence : 171
Attack : 252
Power : 39
Luck : 19
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Time Principle = 934
Transposition Principle = 176
Principle of Syntropy = 1415
Principle of Cyclicity = 138
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Battle stats
Won: 578 | Lost: 1404
Honor: 4977
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

I am Phear, the Wolf

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

The son of The Wolf Spirit of Winter and the Spirit of Mother Moon. Part of the RDFA, the Rubber Duck Fighting Association

Year 5, Day 213, night. I stumbled on this strange realm, covered in cuts and blood...

Year 5, Day 222, afternoon. I rose victoryous against the Guardians of Loreroot.

Year 5, Day 241, morning. I have left this realm to investigate my existance. I do not know when I shall return...

Year 5, Day 331, afternoon. I have returned onto this realm, carried by a strange desire of exploring it once again.

Year 5, Day 343, midnight. Phear stumbles into the maze, leaving blood on the way ashe walks. one hour later, he leaves the maze, walking into the lands of Gollemus Gollemicarium.

Year 6, Day 10, afternoon. Phear is now able to use a Avatar to represent him. His first avatar was drawn by Jazira.

~~ Under Construction ~~

Some of my creatures
EnO Archer from Hell PUnisher Mysterio The Avenger Elemental IV Phear Elemental V Phear Day Dreamer Wolf Guardian McLeod`s Winderwild Senco BloodPhear Sniper


Wolves don`t hate. Wolves get revenge.

Simple as that.

Page 146 - The Shade Ballance - Ren.
The Archivist stays sad near the window. "Master, anything wrong?" .. .Renavoid. does not answer. After a few moments he turns away from the window and walks towards the door. "Prepare the books, we have no choice now". "Master are you sure? there must be an other way!". "You heard me, there is no time left, not for us at least." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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